How to Manifest Wealth

How to Manifest Wealth

It's hard for some people to believe that they are already wealthy. Everyone has the ability to harness their financial abundance by changing the way they view money. Although money is a tangible object that we can see, hold and smell, it's also energy. By removing limited thinking and boundaries that outline how money is obtained, you can begin to attract the wealth that is already yours. Start believing that you are a money magnet and watch prosperity fill your life.

Things You'll Need:

Quiet room

Water feature like fish tanks and fountains

Green colored items or plants


Remove any old beliefs that money is hard-earned or 'money is the root of all evil.' Any negative thoughts you hold about money is obstructing your wealth from reaching you. Develop a good relationship with money and truly believe that you are already wealthy.


Everything starts with a vision or a thought. Thoughts are powerful forms of energy that can create reality. Even Olympic athletes perform events in their head as part of their training. Everyone can visualize and it can be anywhere at anytime. All you have to do is imagine your wealth, and you can be as creative as you want to be. Imagine yourself living a million dollar lifestyle, imagine you have an orchard of money
growing in the backyard or that it's raining $100 bills.


Meditate on the intention to manifest wealth. Sit in a quiet room where you won't be disturbed and clear your mind of everything except your intention. Meditation allows you to enter a state of peace where negativity does not exist. As you meditate, visualize yourself living your desired outcome. While in this meditative state, repeat the sound 'aah" each time you exhale. This is the sound of creation and it sends a vibration through the body that connects you to what you want to manifest.


State one to two affirmations a day (affirmations are declarations of what you want to manifest. They help you to get on the frequency to believing what you are manifesting. They should always be worded in the positive and not the negative. For example, affirming each day that, "I am wealthy," instead of stating, "I am not poor." Affirmations are best stated out loud and should be said several hundred times a day. An ideal time to do your affirmations is on your commute to and from work.


Know that feng shui is the ancient Chinese art of placing things so that energy flows freely and harmoniously. Feng shui teaches that the wealth area is in the far left corner of the house and in the far left corner of each room. Water and the color green are associated with wealth and placing water features, like a fountain, aquarium or plant, in the wealth corner can increase the flow of wealth. However, you don't want it to be too fast or stagnate. A photo of a rushing waterfall or a fish bowl with no pump are examples of stagnant and fast-flowing energy sources. Many other feng shui tips exist to stimulate wealth including painting your front door red, making sure there are no leaky pipes, keeping all drains (including the toilet) closed when not in use, keeping your house clutter-free and lighting the walkway to your front door.

Tips & Warnings

Remember to banish all doubts that enter your mind about wealth.