How to Use Energy Healing to Deal With Emotional Trauma
Energy healing is an alternative medicine. Unlike orthodox medicine, it focuses on healing the energy field around the body instead of the body. There are many energy healing systems. They are used to deal with anything from back pain to nervous disorders. Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT, appears to be the most effective for patients with emotional trauma.
Understand Energy Healing With EFT
Learn about energy. According to the principles of Quantum physics, everything that exists is made up of energy. Every individual is made up of energy particles and carries a field of energy around them.
Know that the field of energy around a body stores emotions from past events, including emotions from traumatic situations.
Discover EFT. Emotional Freedom Technique is recommended for patients suffering from emotional distress, including the effects of past trauma.
Know that the EFT process is a bit different from other energy healing modalities. It involves the practitioner tapping on certain points of the patient's body while saying or thinking of healing phrases.
Be aware that the speed and success of treatment depends on the healer finding the right phrase to deal with the problem event while tapping on the specific points.
Use EFT to Heal Emotional Trauma
Find an energy healing practitioner who performs EFT treatments. Check for certified practitioners at the World Center for EFT's Web site (see Resources below).
Call the EFT practitioner to schedule an appointment. Use the opportunity to ask any pertinent questions you may have, including questions about the length and cost of treatment. The cost of treatment is usually moderate in the beginning, but increases with the length of the session.
Discuss your reasons for seeking treatment at your appointment so the practitioner can best judge how to proceed. Know that some practitioners may suggest a minimum number of sessions depending on the issue you need to address.
Describe the level of intensity of your issues on a scale of 0 to 10 when asked, with 10 being the highest level. The practitioner will ask this question while tapping various points on your body. This will continue until the level of intensity reduces to 0. As he works, the practitioner will also show you how to perform EFT so that you can continue the treatment at home until the next session.
Learn how to practice EFT. Read a manual on EFT at the Mercola Web site (see Resources below).
Tips & Warnings
Alternative healing practitioners try to work with orthodox medicine. Relay any health concerns your practitioner may have about you to your doctor for further examination.
Seek emergency help if you deal with severe health issues, especially in cases of chest pains, stroke, panic attacks, uncontrolled bleeding and burns. Go to an emergency room or call 911.
Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary healthcare provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.
Energy healing is an alternative medicine. Unlike orthodox medicine, it focuses on healing the energy field around the body instead of the body. There are many energy healing systems. They are used to deal with anything from back pain to nervous disorders. Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT, appears to be the most effective for patients with emotional trauma.
Understand Energy Healing With EFT
Learn about energy. According to the principles of Quantum physics, everything that exists is made up of energy. Every individual is made up of energy particles and carries a field of energy around them.
Know that the field of energy around a body stores emotions from past events, including emotions from traumatic situations.
Discover EFT. Emotional Freedom Technique is recommended for patients suffering from emotional distress, including the effects of past trauma.
Know that the EFT process is a bit different from other energy healing modalities. It involves the practitioner tapping on certain points of the patient's body while saying or thinking of healing phrases.
Be aware that the speed and success of treatment depends on the healer finding the right phrase to deal with the problem event while tapping on the specific points.
Use EFT to Heal Emotional Trauma
Find an energy healing practitioner who performs EFT treatments. Check for certified practitioners at the World Center for EFT's Web site (see Resources below).
Call the EFT practitioner to schedule an appointment. Use the opportunity to ask any pertinent questions you may have, including questions about the length and cost of treatment. The cost of treatment is usually moderate in the beginning, but increases with the length of the session.
Discuss your reasons for seeking treatment at your appointment so the practitioner can best judge how to proceed. Know that some practitioners may suggest a minimum number of sessions depending on the issue you need to address.
Describe the level of intensity of your issues on a scale of 0 to 10 when asked, with 10 being the highest level. The practitioner will ask this question while tapping various points on your body. This will continue until the level of intensity reduces to 0. As he works, the practitioner will also show you how to perform EFT so that you can continue the treatment at home until the next session.
Learn how to practice EFT. Read a manual on EFT at the Mercola Web site (see Resources below).
Tips & Warnings
Alternative healing practitioners try to work with orthodox medicine. Relay any health concerns your practitioner may have about you to your doctor for further examination.
Seek emergency help if you deal with severe health issues, especially in cases of chest pains, stroke, panic attacks, uncontrolled bleeding and burns. Go to an emergency room or call 911.
Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary healthcare provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.